Wynberg 021 797 7948 | Claremont 079 891 4971 | Tokai 021 715 5623 | Fish Hoek 021 782 3322

Frequently Asked Questions


Any questions you may have can probably be answered in the many articles loaded on our Blog page. Should an answer not be found, please feel free to contact us via email or phone call.

Until then, here are some answers to questions you may have:

What is an Audiologist?

Audiologists are healthcare professionals who identify, assess and manage disorders of hearing, balance and other neural systems.

What is an Independent Audiologist?

An independent audiologist is an audiologist in private practice that is not bound by any specific brand of hearing aid, equipment or materials. They are focused on patient-centred-care. Management options are designed around the unique needs of each individual patient.

What causes hearing loss?

A hearing loss can either be temporary or permanent. A temporary hearing loss can be caused by a blockage of ear wax or an ear infection. A permanent hearing loss usually affects the inner ear and/or the auditory nerve. This type of hearing loss can have many causes such as noise damage, hereditary factors, medications, certain illnesses and ageing. The best way to determine the type of hearing loss and management, is through an evaluation with an audiologist.

Do I need a hearing evaluation?

You should consider a hearing evaluation if you are experiencing any of the following:

  • Difficulty understanding speech
  • Frequently asking for repetition
  • Increasing the volume on the TV
  • Avoiding social situations
  • Experience a ringing or buzzing sound in your ears
  • If there is a family history of hearing loss

What is involved in a hearing test?

When you get your hearing tested you are asked to listen to sound through headphones. The sounds are at different frequencies and volumes and may include listening to speech (words and sentences) in quiet and in noise. Through this, the audiologist measures what you can hear and records it on an audiogram (profile of your hearing).

How long does a hearing test take?

The hearing test usually takes less than an hour to complete. After the test, your audiologist will spend time with you explaining the results in detail and answering any questions you may have.

Is there help for hearing loss?

Yes, many people can be helped with hearing aids, implantable devices and assistive listening devices such as a TV streamers, remote microphones and amplified telephones. However, some people can benefit from surgery or medication. Your audiologist will discuss the most appropriate management option for your specific hearing loss after reviewing the hearing evaluation results.

Will I need a hearing aid?

Once you have had a comprehensive hearing evaluation, your audiologist will guide you through the process and discuss the best possible solutions to your hearing loss to ensure you are making an informed decision. This may include a trial and/or fitting of hearing instruments, possible aural rehabilitation or communication strategies.

What happens after I get hearing aids?

Once your hearing aids have been fitted according to best practice guidelines, your audiologist will work with you to ensure that they are working optimally for your needs. They should integrate into your daily routine and improve your quality of life, while providing crucial stimulation to the auditory structures of the brain. As you move forward, LBB Audiology will continue to support you with your hearing needs in order to ensure that you are always hearing your best.

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Wynberg - Head Office

30 Constantia Road
Cape Town
Ph: 021 797-7948
Hours: Mon - Fri 08h30-17h00


Office 01C, 1st Floor, MontClare Place
Cnr Main and Campground Road
Claremont, Cape Town
Hours: Mon - Fri 08h30-16h30


Tokai Village, Block B1, Suite 3A
Vans Road
Tokai, Cape Town
Ph: 021 715 5623
Hours: Tues  & Thurs 08h30-16h30

Fish Hoek

Shop 8 Valyland Centre
Upper Recreation Road
Fish Hoek, Cape Town
Ph: 021 782 3322 or 067 404 3662
Hours: Mon - Wed & Fri 08h30-16h30; Thurs 08h30-13h00